2015 AIChE Spring Meeting and 11th Global Congress on Process Safety

(196a) Regulators Versus Control Valves: What's the Best Fit?

This session will review the selection criteria for consideration of pressure regulators vs. control valves for uses on various applications to ensure the best technical and cost-effective solutions.  Understanding unique application requirements and the full capabilities of each product type leads to the optimal selection and minimal rework to for the best technical as well as economical solution. Applications reviewed include tank blanketing, cavitating liquids, differential pressure control, and backpressure control, covering upstream, downstream, and various process industries.

Unique end user functional and design requirements can add complexity to the selection consideration in addition to the application itself. A specific tank blanket gas example will be discussed where a pressure control valve was to withstand 600 psig pressures on the inlet side of the tank despite operating pressures at inches of water column in the tank.

Through an early understanding of user specified design criteria, application knowledge, and full knowledge of product capabilities and functions, the best technical and most cost effective solution can be determined earlier in the process with minimal rework to satisfy the end users and the project’s needs.

By minimizing rework due to misapplied selections, and capitalizing on the most cost effective technical product type solution to fit the specifications, significant cost savings are available on a correct product selection basis as well as time savings available with delivery assurance.