2014 Spring Meeting & 10th Global Congress on Process Safety

(48t) Biosorptive Dehydration of Ethanol/Water Azeotropes Using Compound Starch-Based Adsorbent


Wang, W., Tianjin University

Abstract: Recently, the interest in the production of bioethanol has greatly increased as a result of the increasing fossil fuel prices and associated environmental issues. Bioethanol is made from either grains or biomass and the broth contains 6 to 12 percent ethanol. In addition, water removal represents a serious problem as ethanol form azeotrope with water at atmospheric pressure. Distillation to water-free ethanol consumes 50 to 80 percent of energy used in the fermentation ethanol manufacturing process. Various techniques have been developed to break the azeotropic point, such as salting-out method, azeotropic distillation, extractive distillation, reactive distillation, adsorptive distillation and pervaporation. Among the methods, the adsorptive option is the most attractive, especially the biosorption, which has distinct advantages over conventional methods as it is environmentally friendly, highly selective, easily available, easy to operate, cost effective and reusable in repeated cycles in the treatment of aqueous organics.

In this work, a specially formulated compound starch-based adsorbent (CSA), which consists of corn, sweet potato and foaming agent, was developed. As an exploratory study, this research was focused on the investigation of CSA for biosorptive dehydration of aqueous ethanol and optimization of conditions for its maximum adsorption under various conditions of vapor feed flow rate, bed temperature and bed height through an orthogonal design method. Furthermore, to investigate the adsorption mechanism, dynamic saturated adsorbance of CSA was studied and characterization of the adsorbent before and after adsorption, as well as after regeneration, was performed.  

In the first step, the net retention time and separation factor of ethanol and water were obtained using inverse gas chromatography (IGC), the results indicated that the net retention time of water on CSA is significantly longer than that of ethanol which attested the feasibility of this adsorptive separation purpose and low temperature could be propitious to the process which was consistent with the traditional theory of adsorption.

Then, through a batch adsorption experiment, the optimum adsorption condition was determined under vapor feed flow rate, bed temperature and bed height by orthogonal design method, which indicated that the optimization condition for ethanol was at vapor feed flow rate of 1.1g/min, bed temperature of 83℃ and bed height of 25cm. The packing density was 445kg/m3. The residence time is determined by vapor feed flow rate and bed height. The residence time is more influenced than bed temperature. The longer the residence time, the more the output is. But it cannot be ignored that the adsorption selectivity may decreases. Low bed temperature is benefited to the adsorption process which agrees with the result of IGC. Five cycles experiments of adsorption-regeneration were carried out at the optimum adsorption and regeneration condition, the results showed that there is practically no change in the regeneration efficiency of CSA after the cyclic process adsorption–regeneration. It is due to the properly chosen regeneration conditions assuring complete desorption of the water adsorbed without changes in the CSA structure. This unchanged adsorption capacity after a number of cycles demonstrates reusability of the adsorbent.

To study the adsorption mechanism, experiment was conducted to study the dynamic saturated adsorbance of CSA. The water adsorption capacity of CSA has been found to be similar to some molecular sieves, which is about 0.15g/g. Besides, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and mercury porosimetry (MP) were applied to investigate the change of surface morphology and microstructure of CSA before and after the adsorption, as well as after regeneration, as shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2. The FESEM images showed that compared with the particles before the adsorption, they became plump and the void spaces became smaller after adsorption, which indicated that the CSA was saturated with water. However, the CSA particles after regeneration became wizened like the nature particles, which demonstrated that almost all the water had been desorbed from CSA. The pore size distribution (PSD) indicated that compared with the PSD curve before adsorption, the peak at 6000nm disappeared and the peak at 17000nm became remarkably smaller after adsorption, which manifested that CSA is mainly composed of macropores which play a major role in the adsorption. However, the peaks at 6000 and 17000nm reappeared after regeneration, and the curve looked exactly the same with that before adsorption, which further demonstrated that CSA after regeneration can be totally regenerated and recovered to the original structure.

These results indicated that the starch-based adsorbent can be considered as an effective and low-cost bio-sorbent to dehydrate alcohol.