2014 Spring Meeting & 10th Global Congress on Process Safety

(38d) Steam Traps: Audience Survey of Operation and Maintenance

All chemical plants have steam traps.  However, steam trap operation and maintenance is not identical from one chemical plant to another chemical plant.  Their design and operation is not proprietary since they are standard purchased items at all chemical plants.  Therefore, this presentation will be conducted in an “open” fashion; i.e., the audience can and will be encouraged to participate freely in it. 

            The presenters will moderate an interactive discussion with the audience pertaining to the operation and maintenance of steam traps.  This discussion will delve into steam trap management and operation on a company-side basis and, more likely, on a site-basis.  The presenters will also lead a steam trap maintenance discussion.  In this latter discussion, an attempt will be made to establish a “best practices” approach to steam trap maintenance.

            This session, in general, and this presentation, in particular, will provide chemical plant engineers with pertinent information regarding steam traps.