2013 Spring Meeting & 9th Global Congress on Process Safety
(44cg) Lesha – Multi-Layer Progressive Stress & Impact Assessment On Health & Behavior
The chemical process industry seeks, constantly, to achieve the demands social and environmental (mandatory and voluntary) within the international economic chain. The Integrated Management Systems meet issues in the areas of quality, environment, safety, health, social responsibility, now including risk management (ISO31000). This excess of valuation in integrated management system just prioritizes management functions in place of the functions related to core activity. By integrating management activities into the routine of work, the task will be performed in a more committed form avoiding the domain of management system in place of production skills.
Mandatory Standards for work in the areas of health, hygiene and safety are concerned in dealing the most damage, searching through punishment, correct managerial failure, or correct the ignorance. The preventive tools are not fully developed leading to leaders to be worried about maximum allowable values in the areas of safety, health, hygiene, and also the environment.
The Voluntary activities are not developed due to difficulties initiating deployment of management systems that were born in a TOP-DOWN philosophy. The human and operational reliability was borned in a shape BOTTOM-UP avoiding the occupation of operator, most part of time, doing management systems reports. Operational risks are analyzed including the role of man, the role of group in the planning and execution of tasks. The techniques involve subjectivities as effect of cultures fight in the body of work(social - mass culture, regional culture, organizational, and security). The analysis of dominant cultures involves identifying the various vectors impacting cultural influences in the workplace. Psychological stress causes physical and behavioral changes (affecting the decision) and in the body, both, can cause the loss of quality of life.
Various techniques were developed and presented in GCPS to assess the hazard and the risk of social conflicts and that can cause human error. This error initiates or increases the process of failure in equipment or processes through the intervention performed on the steps of the task. Thus, social conflict in new business (APRSH), cognitive traps and human error in critical task (Social HAZOP), causality analysis of cognition / decision, task and process losses (COGNOSP), analysis of organizational and cultural factors as root cause for accidents, decision analysis operation in progressive stress (LODA), and analysis of cognitive failure of operator in the control of equipment and components (FMEAH).
At the present moment we present a technique that try to study the effect of progressive psychological and physical stress on the body and quality of life, here dubbed as LESHA (Stress Analysis & Progressive Effect on Human Health and Behavior). This study highlights the importance of analyzing the life cycle of faults that impact on health by studying the trend of biological indicators resulting from psychological and physical stress. We also emphasize the search for signs of failure before occupational diseases being installed, showing the most suitable installation of barriers against failure, bringing the barrier closer to the root cause.
The LESHA technique therefore intends to monitor the level of physical and psychological stress of environmental factors, and stress from events related to task, which can turn a pathogen resident in symptom (Holnagel and Reason) and hence in occupational disease.
The events that initiate failures, and the stressed environments can cause stress progressive state on individuals, activating, or causing the trigger of failure through the stages: pathogen resident; uncontrolled organic process; symptom; disease; replication of the disease; and fatality or permanent labor shortage. Each level of stress is analyzed for signs and / or indicators of failure that impact over worker health permitting taking preventive or corrective action (biological safety barriers).
The following levels of analysis are proposed: Level 1 - Identification of Human Type, and the respective pathogen resident or signs that may cause the future disease in the body and in the behavior. Level 2 - initiators of failure in the task, or, bad social relationship that can cause the lack/ fault of organic metabolism, generating growth signals, variables still toward the disease. Signs of lost productivity interlinked with organic symptoms ... Level 3 - Shares of the social environment (society) or technical (technical knowledge), and secondary causal events and their impact on the body by increasing the metabolism of organic lack/ fault of symptom onset with fixed initial stage of the disease. Signs of lost productivity interlinked with organic symptoms...
Level 4 - Emergence of social ills (irritation, and communication difficulties), emergence of occupational diseases (slips related to the task and can cause accidents), and biological diseases like ulcer, high blood pressure and other diseases related to workplace using indirect biological ways (early onset of diabetes or other). Level 5 - Replication of the disease by adopting bad habits in the workplace where colleagues, "introject" behavior and even biological processes of "friends." Level 6 - fatality or permanent labor shortage causing low morale in the team, and developing or activating resident pathogen not active or nonexistent.
Understand the signs of this biological process is challenge of safety, hygiene and occupational medicine in conjunction with studies of human reliability. Different disciplines come together to prevent the disease from the body (regardless of the root cause) had been evident. The diseases are originate from labor, directly, or resulting from the influence of the job, and, from society influence. One should avoid firing the trigger of failure and the development of the pathogen resident.
The result of this analysis allows build the programs to avoid diseases. Prevention and correction programs depend on the intensity of the interference signals and the stress level reached in this process. It is proposed for each level and intensity of the biological and behavior signals following through risk mapping: * Intensity Level X frequency.