2013 Spring Meeting & 9th Global Congress on Process Safety

(44bj) Establishing a 3 Credit Course in PSM for Undergraduate Engineers

Considering academic direction and industrial needs, the Purdue Chemical Engineering faculty and an industrial alumni team jointly sponsored, developed, executed and audited a 3 credit course in Process Safety Management for undergraduates in Engineering.  This "team taught" course is now a required in the Purdue ChE curriculum, and has received enthusiastically high marks from the students.  Originally conceived in 2010, the course went from concept to required in less than 24 months. 

One of the alumni team members, with over 30 years in the process industries, will describe each step of the process:  creating the support, drafting the syllabus, designing the course, executing the lectures, planning the ancillary support activities, and auditing the results of the 15 week, 45 lecture series.   The final exam was the simulation of an emergency situation, which was modeled after a real life process safety incident.   Actual student feedback will be shared.  An eBook text has been developed for this course, and the speaker will conduct a short demonstration of this product as part of the overall presentation.