2013 Spring Meeting & 9th Global Congress on Process Safety

(132e) In-Process Particle and Droplet Characterization for Process Design and Optimization in Manufacturing Operations


Particles and droplets are pervasive in the chemical, consumer products, and bio-pharmaceutical industries. Particles grow, agglomerate, break, dissolve, and change shape - all of which can have significant impact on process performance and product quality. Droplet distribution can impact emulsion stability, polymerization kinetics, and oil-water separation rate. In order to ensure repeatable product yield, purity, and bulk density at production scale, it is critical to understand and control particle/droplet distribution. However, manufacturing conditions (high pressure, high temperature etc.) often make it extremely difficult in obtaining samples for offline measurements. In addition, challenges of obtaining representative sample and extensive sample dilution could lead to erroneous information about particle/droplet distribution.

With FBRM® and PVM® probes the researcher can track the entire dynamic particle and droplet system in production scale  at standard operating temperatures and pressures, without sampling or sample dilution. For over 20 years, scientists and engineers in chemical/pharma/oil/consumer industries have routinely used FBRM® and PVM® technologies for  tracking particle/droplet distribution in real time to ensure less batch failures, batch to batch consistency, and greater production throughput. This presentation will focus on real case studies applying FBRM® and PVM® technologies at production scales to:

  • Ensure batch-to-batch consistency during crystallization
  • Target a desired crystal endpoint distribution
  • Optimizing filtration rates and product throughput
  • Optimize droplet distribution to control oil-water separation