2012 Spring Meeting & 8th Global Congress on Process Safety
(70b) PSM ≠ Process Safety Leadership: Practical Actions That Set PS Leadership Apart
PSM ≠ Process Safety Leadership: Practical actions that set PS Leadership apart
It is well known in business improvement circles that good management does not necessarily equal good leadership. This applies to PSM as well. Effectively leading the translation of PSM to action for all whom it affects takes several concurrent actions.
This paper will cover 10 key actions as well as examples of how those actions have translated into increased understanding and involvement by employees and contractors in one petroleum refinery, working towards improved PSM performance.
- As a leader, you better understand PSM yourself; Train the leaders at the highest ranks of the facility
- Show each part of the organization how the elements of PSM fit with daily work activity
- Focus on the “why” of PSM in each PSM conversation & training session
- Incorporate PSM into existing key business tools and measures
- Walk the talk- even when it hurts, emphasizing safety and quality over schedule and cost
- Reward positive behaviors
- Publicize progress and learnings
- Take time to communicate competitive advantage of good process safety
- Have the discipline to investigate failures internal and external to your facility, and drive effective action item resolution where needed
- Determine how to address “world hunger” issues with open conversations on risk reduction