2012 Spring Meeting & 8th Global Congress on Process Safety

(46c) How to Go From “Lesson” to “Learned”: PSM From Engineering to Operations


Lutchman, C. - Presenter, Suncor Energy Inc.

How to go from ?Lesson? to ?Learned?: PSM from Engineering to

By: Dr. Chit Lutchman (CSP; CRSP, 1st Class Power Engineer)

PSM and other Human Factor
considerations have improved reliability of many operating facilities across
many different industries. Similarly, significant improvements in health and
safety have also been made across most industries and are reflected in
declining injury frequency trends and declining numbers of injuries and
fatalities. Nevertheless, organizational learning and safety culture continue
to evolve slowly. In this presentation, a model for creating a continuous
learning safety culture from shared learning is presented. The model focuses an
effective method for moving learnings quickly across organizations in an
organized and consistent manner to foster learning to prevent repeat and
similar incidents. 

Description: This presentation
provides a model for shared learning in and builds upon the Kaizen Process for
shared learning. The process is owner driven and is facilitate fast sharing of
learning both internal and external to the organization. 

Studies show ~90-95% of workplace incidents and avoidable and >80-85% are
repeated. Shared learning provides opportunities for learning within and across
organizations to prevent repeat incidents. 

and Conclusions:
Key findings and conclusions of the proposal
include the following:

Learning must be structured and presented to
cater for both Generation X & Generation Y.  Both groups learn differently and their
learning needs must be met for success.

Significant volumes of research and
investigations are done yet learning seldom makes it to the frontline where
safety incidents occur.

Shared learning in safety has the potential to
significantly reduce the number of workplace incidents and associated costs.

Learning from events is an effective means for
reducing repeat incidents and cost and improving operating reliability and
performance. A model is proposed for shared learning.

Approaches to shared learning must be simple and
organized for sustained improvements.

Both Generation X&Y who inherit the
workplace today are differently experienced and they learn differently. Shared
learning must cater for both groups.

Very few models exist for promoting shared
learning today. Shared learning is in its early stages of development and is
the last low hanging fruit for sustained improvement in reliability and health
and safety in the workplace.