2012 Spring Meeting & 8th Global Congress on Process Safety
(131b) Heat Exchange Reforming for Increased Hydrogen Production
Udengaard, N. R. - Presenter, Haldor Topsoe, Inc.
Carstensen, J. H. - Presenter, Haldor Topsoe A/S
Many refiners need additional hydrogen in order to process more feed or
lower quality crude. During the past 20 years, Haldor Topsoe has developed
a number of steam reforming technologies that can be implemented for
additional new hydrogen plant capacity, as well as an add-on to an existing
hydrogen plant to provide additional hydrogen capacity.
These technologies are based on proprietary heat exchange steam reforming
technology and are characterized by efficient heat transfer, resulting in
feed and fuel savings of up to 20%, compared to a traditional box type
hydrogen plant