2012 Spring Meeting & 8th Global Congress on Process Safety

(127a) Analysis of Turnarounds in Olefin Plants: A 16-Year View


Cagnolatti, C. - Presenter, Solomon Associates

Comparative Performance Analysis™ (CPA™) benchmarking studies of the olefin industry have been conducted by HSB Solomon Associates LLC (Solomon) since 1987. This paper will highlight the results of a 16-year analysis of trends in turnaround performance by the industry. Data will be analyzed and compared by one or more of the following variables: age of plant, feedstock type, and whether or not the plant uses a mini/major turnaround cycle. Statistical correlations of turnaround duration versus turnaround interval will provide insight into the tradeoffs between these two parameters. The impact of lengthening turnaround interval on cost, duration, work density, and reliability also will be examined. Other discussion topics include turnaround timing, critical path for completion, use of contractors, and work hours spent by equipment type in an olefin plant.