2012 Spring Meeting & 8th Global Congress on Process Safety
(102b) Reaction Calorimetry for Energetic Materials and Process Safety
Reaction Microcalorimetry for Energetic Materials and Process Safety
F. L. Wu and G. Li
Center for Hazardous/Energetic Chemical Safety, CHECS
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410083 P.R.China
Accurate knowledge of modern calorimetric techniques and proper calorimetric testing strategies are essential for the successful operation of energetic materials and process safety testing laboratories. Although many tools and techniques have been introduced in open literature, there is still a lack of practical and sound strategy of safety testing protocols for both academic and industrial labs.
This presentation will review the modern calorimetric techniques and scenario-based testing protocol for energetic materials/reactive chemicals hazard assessment. Emphasis will be given on the issues of calorimeter applicability and data scalability. The examples of use and misuse of calorimetric tools and data will be demonstrated.
Since instrument developments in calorimetry science are usually not reported in primary literature and calorimetric experiments are not always performed with appropriate instruments, a guide for choosing the best calorimeter for a given task will be described. Case studies illustrate the practical values of various modern calorimetric devices on the market for energetic materials research, chemical process safety, and reaction kinetic studies.
Process Safety, Thermal Hazard, Reactive Chemical, Adiabatic Calorimetry, Isothermal Microcalorimetry, Reaction Calorimetry