2011 Spring Meeting & 7th Global Congress on Process Safety
(56b) The Effect of Accumulated Products In the Fischer-Tropsch Reactor on the Product Distribution
Masuku, C. M. - Presenter, University of the Kentucky
Shafer, W. D. - Presenter, University of Kentucky
Davis, B. H. - Presenter, University of Kentucky, Center for Applied Energy Research
The phrases ‘‘product accumulation’’ or ‘‘accumulated products’’ or ‘‘product holdup’’ have appeared in the literature during the past several decades to qualitatively explain the experimental results for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis (FTS). However, since the amount of accumulated products was not determined experimentally, the seriousness of accumulated products in FTS was underestimated by many researchers. The apparent products of the FTS reaction is a mixture of freshly produced FTS products and the products left in the reactor. In order to obtain the correct product distribution and the paraffin to olefin ratio of a FTS reaction, it is necessary to find a way to evaluate or eliminate the contribution of the accumulated products in the product distribution which requires conducting FTS research in a different way. This study develops a method to evaluate product accumulation inside the FT reactor.