2011 Spring Meeting & 7th Global Congress on Process Safety

(43e) A New Strawman Methodology to Predict Combustible Dust Entrainment From Layers


Ural, D. E. A. - Presenter, Loss Prevention Science and Technologies, Inc.

Approximately a year ago, Fire Protection Research Foundation (an affiliate of the National Fire Protection Association) has initiated a research project to develop an improved dust explosion hazard assessment methodology. The objective of this project is to establish the technical basis for quantitative criteria for determining that a compartment is a ?dust explosion hazard? that can be incorporated into NFPA 654 and other relevant safety codes and standards. For the purpose of this study, a dust explosion hazardous condition is defined as that which creates a hazard for individuals and property which are not intimate with the initiating event.

The first phase of the Project is nearing completion.

This paper will discuss the project, significant findings to date, and the anticipated future activities.