2011 Spring Meeting & 7th Global Congress on Process Safety
(111d) Operational Inputs Into the Mechanical Integrity Program
Davis, F. R. - Presenter, Aon Energy Risk Engineering
A predictive mechanical integrity (MI) program is based on the following: * Damage mechanisms that affect process equipment. * Rate at which degradation progresses. * Ability of the inspection group to identify and correct equipment damage before equipment failure. Operational temperature, pressure, flow and composition are process variables that greatly affect process equipment life cycles. A risk based inspection program or any proactive inspection program must establish MI plans for all equipment included in the program. An equipment plan should be based on anticipated damage, suitable inspection techniques capable of assuring the reliability of the process equipment in order to take the risk of operating the equipment to the lowest practicable level. Equipment plans are created based on the chemicals in the operational environment and the damage that may be anticipated from these chemicals. Any time that the operational environment changes the damage that affects the process equipment may also change. This paper will explore the process parameters and their affect on process equipment and the MI program. How changes made to operational parameters such as temperature, flow, pH, pressure and process stream consistency will be reviewed and discussed. This paper will result in recommendations on how to incorporate process changes and their affect into the MI program.