2010 Spring Meeting & 6th Global Congress on Process Safety

(68e) Kinetics of Agglomeration in Aerosol Particles


Ahuja, S. - Presenter, Xerox Corporation

The motion of solid particles in fluid have application in sedimentation, filtration, coagulation, microbial interactions, slurry transport, and suspension rheology. Mechanism of air pollution is of significant importance for increasing the quality of air. Aerosol particles present in the air may undergo inelastic collisions that can lead to aggregation. Experiments as well as theoretical studies show that coefficient of restitution depends on the normal component of the impact velocity. In a diffusion- limited process, aggregation can be modeled as taking place with and without injection on ballistic movement and collision amongst particles with and without dependence on mass of the agglomerated particle. A rate equation of coalescence of particles is developed and compared against experimental work.