2010 Spring Meeting & 6th Global Congress on Process Safety

(65e) If You Think MovingTechnology Across Cultural Boundaries Is Hard, Try Financing Across Cultural Boundaries


Worstell, J. H. - Presenter, Shell Global Solutions US
Worstell, J. H. - Presenter, InterNation Bank

The chemical industry has been global since the early decades of the 20th Century. Even with that long history of global trade, chemists and chemical engineers still stumble over cultural boundaries. However, much of what chemists and chemical engineers carry across the cultural boundary is technical and is expressed in a content neutral lanuguage; i.e., is expressed in mathematics. However, such is not case for financial interactions across a cultural boundary. Financial projects crossing a cultural boundary are expressed in a content-laden, emotional language; i.e., in money terms. This presentation discusses the pitfalls encountered when financing projects, chemically related and otherwise, across a cultural boundary.