2010 Spring Meeting & 6th Global Congress on Process Safety
(43a) Workshop: CO2e Emission Reporting in Ethylene Plants - Part I
This workshop session created specifically for ethylene producers provides a hands-on review and discussion of EPA's Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Rule effective December 29, 2009, and specifically, those provisions applicable to ethylene production facilities. The workshop will be facilitated by expert environmental legal counsel and technical consultants. As outlined more specifically below, the format will include a review of the purpose of the rule, GHG Monitoring Plan requirements, transitioning from Best Available Monitoring Methods to the specific GHG monitoring and emission calculation methods required by Subpart X, quality assurance, missing data calculations, record retention, designated representatives and agreements, and enforcement. The review will also work through compliance with Subpart C (stationary fuel combustion) and Subpart MM (petroleum supplier) requirements to the extent applicable. Questions and discussion will be encouraged throughout the review. With this abstract, the Session Chair, requests that, prior to March 2010, attendees e-mail specific questions or areas of discussion to be included in the review to Maryellen.ternes@mcafeetaft.com identifying the Subject as: ?AICHE Ethylene Producers GHG Workshop ? Question.?
The petrochemical producer provisions in EPA's GHG Reporting Rule, at 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart X applies to: all processes that produce ethylene, including processes that produce the petrochemical as an intermediate in the onsite production of other chemicals as well as processes that produce the petrochemical as an end product for sale or shipment offsite.
We will cover the following specific provisions: Subpart X-Petrochemical Production 98.240 Definition of the source category. 98.241 Reporting threshold. 98.242 GHGs to report. 98.243 Calculating GHG emissions. 98.244 Monitoring and QA/QC requirements. 98.245 Procedures for estimating missing data. 98.246 Data reporting requirements. 98.247 Records that must be retained. 98.248 Definitions.
We will, in that context, address the following general provisions depending upon relevance and interest (entities must comply with both the general as well as the specific provisions): 98.1 Purpose and Scope. 98.2 Who must report? 98.3 What are the general monitoring, reporting,recordkeeping and verification requirements of this part? 98.4 Authorization and Responsibilities of the DesignatedRepresentative. 98.5 How is the report submitted? 98.6 Definitions 98.7 What standardized methods are incorporated byreference into this part? 98.8 What are the compliance and enforcement provisions ofthis part? 98.9 Addresses Table A-1 of Subpart A-Global Warming Potentials (100-YearTime Horizon). Table A-2 of Subpart A-Units of Measure Conversions Subpart B [RESERVED] Subpart C-General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources 98.30 Definition of the source category. 98.31 Reporting threshold. 98.32 GHGs to report. 98.33 Calculating GHG emissions. 98.34 Monitoring and QA/QC requirements. 98.35 Procedures for estimating missing data. 98.36 Data reporting requirements. 98.37 Records that must be retained. 98.38 Definitions. Table C-1 of Subpart C-Default CO2 Emission Factors and HighHeat Values for Various Types of Fuel Table C-2 of Subpart C-Default CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel