2010 Spring Meeting & 6th Global Congress on Process Safety

(40a) State of Art on Wind Energy


de Trocóniz, F. F. - Presenter, Spanish National Court

Regulatory challenges on renewable electricity sources. The Spanish answer - using conventional power plants the price of electricity is mainly fixed by prices of nuclear production and the availability of hydroelectricity supply ? though much more complicated. The introduction of renewals sources means a higher price, out of the market, that needs for surviving to be subsided. Cost and yielding of renewals is different in each case (depends on transport, quality of wind, kind of tides, new technologies). Public aids may come from the Budget or increasing the price market. How much? It can introduce many and deep disruptions in free market. Long life and amortizations periods of power plants and renewals research requires a long term stability in legal statements and prices. Renewals plants may be settled where it can be. Whom belongs wind, tides, waves? How to transport energy through others properties. Questions bring many solutions. Answers are not indifferent for achieving a better result.