2009 Spring Meeting & 5th Global Congress on Process Safety
(89d) Absorption Characteristic of LNG as a Function of IR Wavelength
Mannan, M. S. - Presenter, Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center
Miao, L. - Presenter, Texas A&M University
Herrera, L. C. - Presenter, Texas A&M University
In the past, LNG research has focused on the study of dispersion models and mitigation systems, where mass rate of evaporation is one of the key parameters used in the models. Previous works have reported an overestimation of the mass vaporized from a LNG boiling pool when radiometers were used as an indirect measurement. Several reasons have been proposed to explain this discrepancy, however no final explanation has been provided. Therefore, an investigation into this inaccuracy is necessary. This current effort is aimed at the estimation of the evaporation rate due to the radiant heat introduced to the LNG pool by the heat flux from the fire. This procedure will allow us to determine the amount of heat lost by either reflection or absorption of the LNG container, as well as the real amount of heat that is being used to evaporate the liquid.
Further validation will be made through a series of small-sized field tests at the Texas A&M University's Brayton Fire Training Field (BFTF). Quantitative data will be collected in these experiments to further understand the absorption characteristics of LNG as a function of wavelength of the thermal radiation.