2009 Spring Meeting & 5th Global Congress on Process Safety

(85d) Quantifying Enzyme Activity Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring (QCM-D)


Poggi, M. A. - Presenter, Biolin Scientific

There is a growing need for new technologies to quantitatively measure the surface properties of biological and material interfaces. One particular technique: Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring (QCM-D) measures several dynamic properties of materials and interfaces. Using QCM-D, changes in mass and viscoelasticity can be simultaneously monitored in real-time in liquid. This technique has allowed scientists to achieve a more fundamental understanding regarding how dynamic biological, polymeric and other nano-scale materials behave on the molecular scale. This presentation will review recent advances regarding how we are currently using this technology to quantify the real-time activity of enzymes since enzymes are integral components in the conversion of biomass to liquids.