2009 Spring Meeting & 5th Global Congress on Process Safety

(54g) Sustainable Bioenergy: An Abengoa Perspective (Webcast Not Available)


Adams, K. - Presenter, Abengoa Bioenergy

The rational use of natural resources and environmental conservation are the tools available to help progress towards a more sustainable world. For Abengoa Bioenergy this sustainability is based on two criteria. On the one hand the development of technologies which allow for a supply of clean energy sources, and on the other hand, the focus on social commitment and environmental awareness.

Based on this, Abengoa Bioenergy produces and develops biofuels for the transport sector, bioethanol and biodiesel amongst others, which use biomass as raw material (cereals, lignocellulosic biomass, oil seeds). Biofuels are used in the production of ETBE (a fuel additive) or in direct blending with fuel or diesel. As sources of renewable energy, biofuels decrease the emission of CO2 and contribute to a safe and diverse energy supply, reducing the dependency on fossil fuels used in the transport sector and thus collaborating and complying with the Kyoto Protocol.

Abengoa Bioenergy also dedicates a major part of its efforts and resources to supporting activities that focus on the improvement of the quality of life and on the education and training of people.