2009 Spring Meeting & 5th Global Congress on Process Safety

(53d) Dynamic Effects for Two-Phase Flows In Porous Media: Temperature Effects On Dynamic Coefficient


Hanspal, N. - Presenter, University of Manchester
Das, D. B. - Presenter, Loughborough University

Traditional continuum scale models for multiphase flow in porous media are based on capillary pressure(Pc)-saturation(S)-relative permeability(Kr) relationships which do not necessarily incorporate the dynamic capillary pressure effects on the flow behaviour. To address this issue relationships with the inclusion of a dynamic coefficient(s) have been proposed that are shown to have important practical effects, which increases as the scale of the domain increases. As such simulators for multiphase flow in porous media must include additional terms(s) associated with dynamic capillary pressure. For these reasons investigations targeting at measurements of dynamic coefficients and its dependency on various physical parameters are of great interest. Such investigations aid in developing upscaling relationships that can be cost-effectively used for characterizing dynamic multiphase flow behaviour. In this work we examine the dependence of the dynamic co-efficient (tau) on temperature (T) by carrying out quasi-static and dynamic flow simulations for an immiscible perchloroethylene(PCE)-water system exhibiting a drainage process. Simulations are carried out for a range of temperatures between 20-80 degree C on 3D cylindrical domains which correspond to laboratory scale domain used previously by the authors of this paper. The numerical data are fitted to the dynamic capillary pressure(Pc)-saturation(S) curves for quantifying the (tau) values and later for examining the lumped dynamic effects arising from the physical properties and temperature variations in two different soil domains i.e. coarse and fine sands. Results are interpreted by examining the correlations between tau and temperatures, time periods required for attaining residual saturation and the dynamic aqueous/non-aqueous phase saturation and capillary pressure plots. It is envisioned that our simulations maintain a continuity of our previous work, reduce the inconsistencies associated with the dependency of ¥ó on temperature which will subsequently enable us to carry out computationally economical and more accurate modeling studies at various scales of observations.