2009 Spring Meeting & 5th Global Congress on Process Safety
(41c) A Practical Approach to Hazard Identification for Operations and Maintenance Workers (Webcast Not Available)
Humbke, T. - Presenter, Shell Canada, Ltd.
Franklyn, C. - Presenter, Risk, Reliability and Safety Engineering
Kelly, B. - Presenter, BriRisk Consulting, Ltd.
Wasileski, R. F. III - Presenter, NOVA Chemicals, Inc.
Attwood, D. - Presenter, Risk, Reliability and Safety Engineering
Hazard identification has long been recognized as a mechanism for improving safety and reducing incidents. The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is developing a new Concept Book that illustrates and extends existing hazard recognition practices and programs to identify process hazards. This new Concept Book will focus on providing operations and maintenance personnel with tools to enhance the hazard recognition process as part of their everyday observations.
To develop the material, a series of workshops will be conducted to review, analyze and recommend existing instruments that are used in industry for hazard identification. Photographs and examples will be used to provide operations and maintenance personnel with guidance on how to apply this knowledge at the field level and achieve results.
This paper and presentation will focus on sharing innovative solutions to providing operations and maintenance personnel with practical tools to identify process hazards and physical hazards.