2009 Spring Meeting & 5th Global Congress on Process Safety
(23a) Training Tools to Support a Global Process Safety Culture
Companies have found that the process safety culture at some locations is focused around complying with the letter of regulatory or corporate requirements and not on the broader goals of preventing low probability, high severity events. As a result these facilities may be going through the motions but could fall short of the expected performance. This is being seen across industry groups worldwide.
As a result, The Sherwin-Williams Company, PPG Industries and Environmental Resources Management (ERM) formed a working relationship and partnered with VGI Productions to develop a series of four professionally produced, interactive training programs to support company efforts to increase the understanding and attention to the fundamentals of process safety worldwide. In this paper we will share the process used to develop and produce these high-end productions, the structure of the final products and how they are being used to drive process safety program enhancements in each company's global operations. In our presentation we will also share clips taken from the referenced video recordings.
The four modules utilize interviews, stories and footage from company employees at all levels, from operations to senior management, to relate the keys to effective process safety management and how they have benefited from their involvement in process safety activities. The series is titled ?PS ? It's A Whole new World.? The first of these modules provides an introduction to process safety, the benefits of having a strong program and the keys to success. The second module, subtitled ?Understand Your Process? focuses on key elements such as process safety information and hazard analyses. The third module, subtitled ?Control and Maintain Your Operations? deals with topics such as operations, mechanical integrity and management of change. The fourth segment, subtitled ?Building A Process Safety Culture? reinforces the importance of employee engagement and operations leadership. The entire program was completed in 2008.