2008 Spring Meeting & 4th Global Congress on Process Safety

(67a) High Quality Base Oil Production Via the Hylube Process

The successful commercialization of the HyLube process by Puralube GmbH, a subsidiary of Puralube Global was presented at the 2007 AICHE meeting. This paper will expand upon the previous paper by providing more detailed analytical characterizations of the re-refined base oil products and a more in depth discussion of how the process manages the wide range of contaminants present in used motor oil.

Unlike most other re-refining processes, the HyLube process produces a very consistent high quality base oil product. In addition, byproducts are managed to minimize environmental impact while maximizing energy recovery. Key process features include (1) continuous processing of the entire used oil charge stock in a hydrogen-rich environment without use of intermediate oil storage, (2) efficient catalytic removal of contaminants such as chlorinated, sulfurous, and oxygenated organic compounds and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, (3) management of all sulfurous and odorous compounds to eliminate malodorous and toxic emissions and (4) production of deeply desulfurized and saturated base oil and distillate fuel products.

Conventional base oil production methods are energy intensive, consume a diminishing fossil fuel resource, and place a large burden on the environment. The current trend toward increasing percentages of ethylene-based synthetic base oils in the blended lubricant product further raises the overall life cycle burden of the finished product. Used oil containing high percentages of high viscosity index and low pour point base oil represents a valuable resource and its proper management should be given the most attention.