2007 Spring Meeting & 3rd Global Congress on Process Safety
(52a) Revamp of Pygas Unit to Meet New Sulfur Regulation
Shell Global Solutions hydroprocessing reactor technology has found a niche in the pyrolysis gasoline application. In 2004 a revamp of the pyrolysis gasoline hydrotreating unit at Shell Chemical's Norco plant avoided incurring millions of US dollars per year in margin loss and catalyst related costs. The solution incorporated Shell Global Solutions operating and design ?know how?, cutting edge reactor internals technology, and Criterion's proprietary pyrolysis gasoline catalysts.
The implementation of this project has yielded the following demonstrated key performance indicator (KPI) improvements:
· C7+ pyrolysis gasoline sulfur content reduced from 300 ppmw to less than 3 ppmw. · Styrene conversion increased in the first stage reactor system from ~75% to more than 95% · Lower Weighted Average Bed Temperature (WABT), extended cycle time · Fouling and pressure drop build-up mitigated in the first stage reactors · Elimination of frequent catalyst regenerations, resulting in a significant decrease in plant workload, associated expenditures, and exposure of personnel to the process
Over 230 hydroprocessing units, including several pygas applications, have demonstrated the value of Shell Global Solution's ?know how? and reactor technology. This paper highlights performance improvements that have been commercially demonstrated in a pyrolysis gasoline application when operating and design ?know how? and cutting edge technology are integrated into a low cost revamp solution.