2007 Spring Meeting & 3rd Global Congress on Process Safety
(42a) Create and Deliver Effective Training Programs Using Instructional Systems Design and E-Learning, Traditional and Blended Learning
In an ever changing business environment, enterprise-wide and plant site-based training initiatives take on added importance. There are training requirements for Process Safety Management (PSM), risk management, security, and EHS needs and regulations as well as training programs to address related internal company and business focused directives and initiatives. These ever-changing topics and increasing requirements present ample challenges to companies attempting to provide quality training to their workforce.
Much has been written regarding the promise of online learning technologies in meeting these needs. However, technology itself will not solve training challenges. Training programs built using a formal, structured approach such as Instructional Systems Design (ISD) ensures that a highly effective, quality training program is developed and consistently delivered. Instructional Systems Design utilizes the following sequential steps: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Use of Instructional Systems Design assures that the proper target audience and specific instructional needs are identified, instructional objectives are established, an appropriate instructional strategy is selected, and the evaluation strategy is devised and implemented.
Care must be taken to assess and implement the appropriate delivery mechanisms based on each company's unique organizational needs and operating environment. A coordinated and thorough analysis should be undertaken within organizations to lessen potential missteps in implementing training initiatives, through use of audience and technical infrastructure assessments. Integrated, collaborative learning environments allow incorporation of newly developed and existing training materials while providing a framework for innovative approaches to the training effort. Secure access and content delivery, as well as employee tracking are requirements for adequate protection. New technologies allow engaging and efficient mechanisms for dissemination of training materials, but must be assessed in relation to an overall training plan. When properly applied, Web 2.0, social media and multimedia content provide efficient, potent tools for workplace training.
A summary of related issues for training program development and implementation, as well as analysis of new technologies are reviewed herein.