2007 Spring Meeting & 3rd Global Congress on Process Safety

(125c) Reach Overview


Kramarz, C. - Presenter, ChemADVISOR, Inc.

REACH is the European Union's pending regulatory framework for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals. It will replace up to 40 directives and regulations currently in force in Europe. ChemADVISOR will provide an update as to the current status of the regulation, expected to enter into force sometime in 2007. The following conditions are expected to be in force:

- 11 year phase in of requirements

- Chemicals manufactured or imported in the EU in quantities > 1 metric ton per year need a registration dossier

- Chemicals manufactured or imported in the EU in quantities > 10 metric ton per year need a Chemical Safety Report

- An estimated 30,000 substances will need to be registered:

o 80% of all registered substances will require no further action

o Certain exceptions will apply

o Chemicals of very high concern, substitution may be necessary or authorizations for specific uses established:

- CMRs categories 1 and 2 (carcinogens, mutagens and reproductive toxins)

- PBTs (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances)

- vPvBs (very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances)

- Substances which demonstrate irreversible serious effects on humans and the environment

- A European Chemicals Agency will be established

We will also provide an overview of the expected Technical registration dossier and Chemical Safety Report requirements