2006 Spring Meeting & 2nd Global Congress on Process Safety

(93a) Sustainable Design Conditions in Controlling Wastes


Brahma (Prof), N. K. D. - Presenter, Indian Institute of technology, Kharagpur-721302,

One of the biggest challenges, which chemical, biochemical, computer and biomedical engineers are facing to day is the recycling of waste and to control the environmental pollution. e-waste with toxic components like Pb, Cd, Ga, Cr.Cu and others like biomedical waste, like recycling of disposable hospital wastes including syringes, needles, cottons and dissecting organs. In pollution control of environment, the effluents of pulp, paper, chemical and leather industries are important. Meat processing units and leather industries are vernable for spreading toxic gases and polluting the water. Incineration of medical waste causes increase loads of dioxins in the environment for increasing concentration of COx, SOx and NOx development and polluting thereby the atmosphere. In the power generations and in cement industries, particle dust pollutions and recycling of fly ash are becoming important. However the selective screening of e-Waste, the applications of cake and membrane filtrations and the use of fly ash for civil constructions and other recovery process are used. For all recovery processes, the question of sustainable design would be important where biological system, compatibility and hybrid combinations of processes are involved. For example the use of vermiculture for medical waste treatments and for soil fertility, biological nano-particles use to design electronics components and for designing hybrid components of polymer materials, i.e. biodegradable, highly resistible, stable polymers. The applications of microbial engineering for treatments, flocculations and sedimentations of paper, pulp, leather and food industrial effluents. The author will discuss in this paper all these combinations for sustainable design and to search an algorithm for one case study, associated with jute pulp cake filtrations and recycling of medical waste and fly ash for domestic uses. With one algorithm the author will search few relations of biological, chemical and e-wastes.