2006 Spring Meeting & 2nd Global Congress on Process Safety

(55a) Parallel Comparison of Two Different Desalting Technologies—a Case Study


Movafaghian, S. - Presenter, Petreco International
Collins, T. - Presenter, Petreco International
Chen, J. - Presenter, Petreco International

This paper details the performance of the Bilectric? desalter and its operational and economic value-added. Paper presents historical operating data and operating data particular to this study, collected by an independent source. Data includes a comparative study for an existing desalting train at U.S. Gulf Coast region refinery, were consumption of excessive chemicals and frequent operation and maintenance problems along with high oil-in-water concentration from the desalters were chronic to the process.

After careful evaluation and analysis of the three existing desalting trains, one vessel was revamped with the new technology. The operating conditions of this vessel were compared with vessels on the parallel trains.

Comparative studies of operating data indicated improvements in operational flexibility, quality of the treated crude and discharged effluent water. Economic value-added was derived through monitoring and measurement of the process variables for several months. Important saving sources, as reported by the refiner, were: lower chemicals usage, lower power consumption, lower oil concentration in the effluent water and lower operating and maintenance costs during upset conditions. The payback period for the invested capital was reported to be less than one year.