2006 Spring Meeting & 2nd Global Congress on Process Safety
(37a) The Electrostatic Force between a Partially Charged Dielectric Particle and a Conducting Plane
Using the re-expansion technique, we studied the interaction between a conducting plane and a partially charged dielectric particle for an axi-symmetric case including the effects of the higher order polarization. The partial charge on a particle surface redistributes due to the polarization even though the particle is an insulator. The redistribution depends on the dielectric constant and on the gap between the particle and the conducting plane. In some conditions, charge redistributes onto back side of the particle against the conducting plane, as its result, the electrostatic interaction decreased simply with an increase of the dielectric constant. This was especially so in the case of a small initially charged area or patch which was given against a conducting plane, and when the particle was located in a certain gap. Even when the particle was in contact with the conducting plane, in the case of a small initially charged area, the electrostatic interaction decreased with an increase of the dielectric constant within a certain range. Because this range of the dielectric constant is of normal polymer, these effect could result a big error in an estimating of the electrostatic interactions in the case in a normal approximation of contact electrification of a particle.