2006 Spring Meeting & 2nd Global Congress on Process Safety
(234a) Nanoparticle Applications by Dry Particle Coating Technology
Recently, there has been increased interest in the use of dry particle coating technology due to its reduced negative environmental impact and potential cost effectiveness. Dry particle coating creates new/advanced materials by combining different powders with different physical and chemical properties to form composites, which show new functionality or improve the characteristics of known materials. In dry coating techniques, materials with relatively large particle size (1- 200 microns) form a core and these core (?host?) particles are mechanically coated with guest nanoparticles. Dry particle coating can be applied to a wide variety of situations to improve particle performance. Material properties which can be improved by dry particle coating include flowability, dispersability, wettability, coloring, flavor/taste, electrostatic, electric, magnetic and optical characteristics, and solid phase reactivity. Potential applications of dry particle coating can be found in such diverse industrial products as catalysts, foods, adhesives, cosmetics, paint, inks, toners, ceramics, pharmaceuticals and agricultural products like seeds and herbicides. Different core particles with different guest nanoparticles for diverse enhanced/new functionality by dry coating techniques are reviewed in this paper. With the expected development of an enormous variety of new guest nanoparticles, we believe that dry particle coating can be a successful coating technology for extensively industrial applications.