2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

(569ck) Investigating the Structure-Performance Relationship of CO Oxidation Reaction through the Fabrication of Cerium Oxide Aerogel-Based Catalysts with Various Structures


Kim, T. J., Stony Brook University
Shim, S. E., INHA University
Research Interest: The correlation between catalyst structure and catalytic performance. Aerogels, three-dimensional porous structures, are known for their high specific surface area, continuous structure, and easy tunable morphology, making them advantageous for creating high-performance catalysts. Leveraging these advantages of aerogels, significant research efforts are required to develop high-performance catalyst supports or catalysts themselves. As part of these efforts, this study focuses on synthesizing cerium oxide-based aerogels in various forms and loading Cu as an active site. Subsequently, the CO oxidation performance was measured, and the relationship between the aerogel structure and CO oxidation performance was elucidated.


The authors acknowledge funding support from the National Science Foundation (NSF-CBET-2050824).