2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

(569bo) Visible Light -Driven Photocatalysis for Suzuki-Type Carbon –Carbon Bond Formation Using Cu2o-Pd Hybrid Nanostructures.


Khan, M. T., Oklahoma State University
Addanki Tirumala, R. T., Oklahoma State University
We report discovering the Suzuki Cross-Coupling reaction, a highly efficient and green photocatalytic process. The Suzuki cross-coupling reaction is one of the reliable carbon-carbon bonds-forming processes, broadly applied in the synthesis of valuable compounds, such as pharmaceuticals. Now, the incorporation of light-absorbing plasmonic metals such as Ag, Al, Au, or Cu into catalysts has emerged as a recent development in low-temperature catalysis. This approach involves the utilization of hybrid plasmonic metal nanostructures (HPNs), which consist of light-absorbing plasmonic metal nanostructures (PMNs) enveloped by appropriate catalytic metal oxides like Cu2O, Fe2O3, IrO2, or TiO2. In this regard, we propose to replace PMNs with dielectric Mie resonator nanoparticles (MRNPs), like Cu2O nanostructure.

Here, we demonstrate a novel approach that combines catalytically active palladium (Pd) embedded in Mie resonator nanoparticles (MRNPs) with Cu2O photocatalysts to produce Cu2O-Pd hybrid structures. We conducted the reaction under ambient conditions using visible light irradiation in an inert atmosphere. The precursors employed were Iodobenzene and phenylboronic acid, with K2CO3 serving as the base. We observed that the rate of conversion of Iodobenzene was enhanced by 38 to 40 times under light conditions compared to dark conditions, with all other conditions held constant. GC-MS was employed for the characterization of both reactants and products. The effect of light on the reaction apart from thermally induced catalysis was determined by measuring temperature in both light and dark environments. These studies hold significant practical relevance as C-C cross coupling reactions represent as a leading synthesis technique to produce diverse high-value chemicals from petroleum-derived feedstocks. These chemicals range from pharmaceutical compounds, and polymers, to agricultural products.


  1. Tirumala, R. A. et al. Green Chemistry, 2019, 21, 5284-5290.
  2. Pary, F., Tirumala, R. T., et al. Catalysis Science and Technology, 2021, 11, 2414-2421.