2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

(569au) Integrated CO2 Capture and Reverse Water Gas Shift Using NH3 As a H2 Carrier


Woo, J. H., Kyungpook National University
Kim, J. C., Kyungpook National University
Lee, S. C., Kyungpook National University
Gilliard-Abdulaziz, K. L., University of California Riverside
Recently, integrated CO2 capture and utilization (ICCU) have attracted attention in addressing energy- and cost-related issues in the conventional CO2 capture and utilization (CCU) by effectively combining CO2 capture and utilization using dual functional materials (DFMs). Among CO2 utilization processes, reverse water-gas shift (rWGS) is one efficient way converting CO2 with H2 to CO. In the integrated CO2 capture and rWGS (ICCrWGS), CO2 is captured from the flue gas using sorbent materials, and then the spent material is regenerated and the desorb CO2 reacts with H2 that is produced via decomposition of NH3. In this study, a new concept of ICCrWGS using NH3 (NH3-ICCrWGS) as a H2 carrier over Ni/CaO-based DFMs. During carbonation step, CO2 is captured by CaO as a formation of CaCO3 in the Ni/CaO based DFMs. In the subsequent rWGS step, NH3 decomposition, NiO reduction, CaCO3 regeneration and rWGS occur simultaneously. CO2 capture and the rWGS performances over the Ni/CaO-based DFMs were evaluated at the different temperatures. Mechanistic studies of CO2 capture and rWGS were determined during NH3-ICCrWGS process.