2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(569ae) Highly Dispersed Bimetallic Ir-Co on Leaf-Shaped Carbon Catalysts Derived from Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Herein, we synthesized leaf-shaped bimetallic Co-Ir ZIF catalysts to overcome mass-transfer limitations due to the microporous structure, leading to a high hydrocarbon formation rate. The leaf-shaped Co-ZIF-based catalyst exhibits highly dispersed Co-Ir species throughout the supports, even with a high portion of Co (~35wt.%). The structurally improved leaf-shaped monometallic Co-ZIF catalyst exhibits a three-fold increase in CO consumption rate in the FTS reaction with a significant decrease in methane selectivity from 9% to 5%. Furthermore, bimetallic Co-Ir catalysts show a lower apparent activation energy (ΔEa,app=~20 kJ/mol) than that of monometallic Co catalysts (Figure 1), indicating a promotional effect of Ir species. Steady-state measurements with characterizations support the structural advantages and the enhanced catalytic activity of leaf-shaped bimetallic Ir-Co ZIF catalysts.
This work was supported by “Carbon Upcycling Project for Platform Chemicals” (Project No. 2022M3J3A1050076, 2022M3J3A1039377) through the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea.