2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

(554f) Advances in Redox-Electrodialysis for Desalination and Water Remediation


Elbert, J., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Su, X., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Water scarcity and contamination pose global challenges, impacting more than 67% of the world population who encounter severe water shortages for at least some of the year.1 While electrochemical water treatment technologies have made significant advancements in addressing challenges related to the water-energy nexus, desalination processes often experience membrane fouling due to the presence of organic pollutants.

Here, we developed a cost-effective, energy-efficient, and fouling-free electrochemical water treatment technology by leveraging reversible redox reactions in the electrodialysis (redox-ED) platform.1 By replacing the water-splitting reactions typically employed in the conventional ED system with reversible redox reactions, our system lowered the overall energy consumption for desalination by more than 50%. Additionally, to address membrane fouling in the presence of organic contaminants, we substituted costly and sensitive ion-exchange membranes (IEMs) with robust nanofiltration membranes (NFs), enabling the treatment of a wide range of charged substances from inorganic salts to organic contaminants.1 By combining the water-soluble redox polymers with NFs, we removed a variety of chain lengths of carboxylates and per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS), while preventing membrane fouling and polymer crossover into the feed solution. The NF-enabled redox-ED system demonstrated the capability to treat a wide range of salinity levels, from brackish- to seawater, down to potable water salinity, with consistent energy consumption of 104 kJ/molNaCl. Furthermore, NF-enabled redox-ED showcased effective desalination and removal of carboxylates and PFAS contaminants within real wastewater matrices, highlighting its feasibility for a broad range of environmental and industrial wastewater treatment applications.

(1) Kim, N.; Elbert, J.; Kim, C.; Su, X. Redox-Copolymers for Nanofiltration-Enabled Electrodialysis. ACS Energy Letters 2023, 8 (5), 2097-2105.