2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(513d) Synthesis-Structure-Function Relationships in Dispersed Oxide Catalysts
Notestein, J. - Presenter, Northwestern University
For most supported metal oxide catalysts, highly dispersed materials can present special challenges to characterization, and they can be highly sensitive to synthesis methods. In this presentation, we will discuss a few examples where additional information sources can help shed light on candidate catalytic active sites. For example, direct comparisons to crystallographically regular MOF-based selective oxidation catalysts allow structural analogies to be drawn to their oxide counterparts. Conversely, rapid site-titration techniques, like phosophonic acids for silica-dispersed oxides, do not necessarily provide much structural information. However, they can help explain whether new syntheses impact dispersion, intrinsic activity, or both, and whether other bulk characterization techniques, like UV-visible spectroscopy, might be providing misleading information. In either case, we will discuss how this knowledge can aid in the development of robust, earth abundant catalysts for important chemical transformations.