2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(4du) Chemical Engineering Fundamentals and Applied Research Towards Workforce Development and Commercialization
Research Interests
- Fundamental research in separation processes involving chemical engineering principles, bioengineering, engineering thermodynamics models and transport phenomena theoretical models
- Applied research in bioregenerative systems for production of fuels, life support systems, diagnostics, biopharmaceuticals, and nutritional ingredients for a circular economy, environmental stewardship and sustainable business practices
- Industry-sponsored research with current engagement as a STEM consultant with small minority-owned businesses
I am currently looking for new collaborators and funders with my current up-to-date web profiles and get recognized by my future academic institutions for meaningful research that aligns to their top priorities in its strategic plan in the region and how my research impacts the world. I plan to enhance excellence in research in chemical engineering and other allied sciences. As a result, our institution will be attracting talented students and scholars. I believe that to reduce the hiring burden of my institution, my peers and I need to be equitably and consistently be reviewed and promoted. I look forward to secure, transparent committee reviews at every level and know lucrative faculty paths, by optimizing technology for efficiency and collaboration (thus, maintaining one digital source of data, and eliminate the shared drives and binders).
Teaching Interests
- Training graduate students as teaching assistants in unit operations laboratory equipment for demonstrating basic chemical engineering principles (mass transfer, thermodynamics, and reaction kinetics) as well as the scaled-down chemical separation processes in bioprocessing (fermentation, extraction, chromatography, and filtration)
- Teaching problem-solving sessions for elementary principles of chemical processes, chemical engineering thermodynamics, chemical reaction engineering, and biochemical engineering
- Evaluating senior design projects in processing of sustainable materials, biopharmaceuticals and renewable fuels with professors of practice, and adjunct professors who are licensed professional engineers
I would like to amplify my course load and students impacted in order for the full scope of my work is represented in annual reviews by the university administration and ABET toward accreditation. It is important to understand how my peers and I would improve student retention and graduation rates with insights into time spent on mentoring in laboratories, lecturing, improving chemical industry-relevant curriculum and matching learning styles with teaching styles.
Prior to becoming a faculty member, my goal as a post-doctoral scholar is to acquire skills, knowledge and experience to excel in my career path as an educator, independent researcher, technopreneur and leader in the field of chemical engineering research and workforce development.
Upon orientation with my advisor, I seek to include the following goals in addition to what my mentor or advisor has set in my individual development plan which typically involves teamwork with coworkers, productivity in research data gathering towards technical presentations in professional conferences, and scientific publications, laboratory safety, and efficient documentation of methodologies for fellow research collaborators in future institutions.
- Career counseling on start-up funds upon applying as a research professor or unit operations laboratory instructor
- Opportunities to experience with preparation of grant proposals related to entrepreneurship in STEM (for example, small business innovation grant or technology transfer grants) for international students seeking opportunities for their Optional Practical Training in STEM
- Potential to obtain travel support to attend regional, national, and/or international scientific meetings or conferences to network with directors of funding agencies, business investors and research group members
- Professional skill development programs focused on building skills in the communication of technical research data to an unfamiliar audience, scientific publishing in open access journals, English language skills (as needed for non-native English scholars), effective mentorship of undergraduate and graduate students, ng for funding
- Opportunities to experience technology transfer activities in marketing their research, value proposition to solve practical real-world STEM problems
Overall, I wanted to become part of a research institution that values teamwork, mentorship, laboratory safety, running the laboratory as an efficient enterprise, and publishing research data solving real-world challenges.