2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(379e) Process Design of Oxy-Fuel Combustion Combined Cycles for Carbon Capture Using LNG Regasification
Wu, W. - Presenter, Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, SINOPE
Tsai, Y. H., National Cheng Kung University
The oxy-fuel combustion was one of the major technologies for capturing CO2 from the power plants. Since oxygen supply from cryogenic air separation unit (CASU) causes high energy penalty, the cold energy from the liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification process is utilized to reduce the energy consumption of CASU. Through the thermal integration of LNG cold vaporisation energy, it is validated that the efficiency penalty in natural gas (NG) combined cycle power plants can be dramatically decreased. The NG combined cycle power plant using the LNG regasification process is depicted in Fig.1. Compared to the conventional NG power plant, the proposed LNG regasification-based power plant not only produces the high purity of CO2 with 99.5% above as a source for the production of valued-added chemical products, but also the overall energy efficiency is superior to the coventioal coal/NG-fired polwer plant.