2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

(368as) Unraveling the Low-Temperature Solution-Deposited Synthesis of BaMS3 (M=Zr, Hf) Chalcogenide Perovskites


Agrawal, R., Purdue University
Chalcogenide perovskites (ABS3, where A = Ba, Sr, Ca, and B = Zr, Hf) represent an emerging class of inorganic semiconductor materials that exhibit exceptional optoelectronic properties and superior stability in air and moisture compared to their halide counterparts. These attributes have garnered significant interest among researchers exploring these materials for optoelectronic applications. However, due to the high stability of the initial precursors, the high oxophilicity of the constituent transition elements, and the lack of suitable liquid fluxes, the synthesis of these compounds has traditionally required temperatures exceeding 900°C, rendering them unsuitable for use in optoelectronic devices.

In my research, I have developed a novel liquid flux that significantly reduces the synthesis temperatures of BaMS3 (M = Zr, Hf) chalcogenide perovskites. Additionally, I performed thermodynamic calculations to identify and develop an effective oxygen sink for BaZrS3, enabling its low-temperature, oxide-impurity-free synthesis using stable oxygen-containing metal precursors. To further decrease synthesis temperatures and durations, I identified an exhaustive array of reactive metal precursors that facilitated the development of novel solution-processing deposition chemistries for BaMS3 compounds, resulting in the first report of solution-deposited contiguous BaZrS3 films. Moreover, I developed solution-based nanoparticles of these materials at record-low temperatures in collaborative research. These achievements culminated in the creation of a functional device for photoconductivity measurements.

Research Interests: inorganic solution chemistry, photovoltaics, nanomaterial synthesis, and process development.