2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(310k) Navigating the Unknown: Efficiently Locating the Transition State of the Diels-Alder Reaction through Adaptively Sampled Point Clouds
Our method builds upon previous work [5, 6, 7] in locating saddle points of stochastic dynamical systems without a priori knowledge of the manifold or collective variables. Instead, point clouds (positions of the atoms in the system) are adaptively & iteratively sampled along a 1D curve (here, an isocline) that drives the system from an initial conformation (typically a stable equilibrium) to a saddle point. When collective variables are unknown, we couple the algorithm with manifold learning techniques (diffusion maps) and Gaussian process regression to obtain the sought after path through local adaptive parameterizations of the effective free energy surface.
By integrating our algorithm with available atomistic and molecular simulation packages, we efficiently navigate the high-dimensional potential energy surface of an example problem (here, the Diels-Alder reaction). This approach allows for the automatic and adaptive identification of relevant reduced coordinates and the transition state without exhaustive sampling of the entire free energy landscape. Our results highlight the versatility of combining “Staying the Course” with molecular simulation codes for studying complex chemical reactions, showcasing its potential for applications in more complex reaction environments. We compare this to the metadynamics approach taken in [8].
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[4] J Yin, Z Huang, L Zhang. Constrained High-Index Saddle Dynamics for the Solution Landscape with Equality Constraints. Journal of Scientific Computing 2022, 91, 62.
[5] JM Bello-Rivas, A Georgiou, J Guckenheimer, and IG Kevrekidis. Staying the course: iteratively locating equilibria of dynamical systems on Riemannian manifolds defined by point-clouds. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 61, 600–629 (2023)
[6] JM Bello-Rivas, A Georgiou, H Vandecasteele, and IG Kevrekidis. Gentlest ascent dynamics on manifolds defined by adaptively sampled point-clouds. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127, 5178-5189 (2023).
[7] A Georgiou, H Vandecasteele, and IG Kevrekidis. Locating saddle points using gradient extremals on manifolds adaptively revealed as point clouds. Chaos 33, 123108 (2023).
[8] CD Fu, LFL Oliviera, and J Pfaendtner. Assessing generic collective variables for determining reaction rates in metadynamics simulations. Chem. Theory Comput. 2017, 13, 3, 968–973