2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(272e) Probing Polymer Relaxation and Plasticization Dynamics Using Molecular Dynamics and Enhanced Sampling Techniques: Insights from Well-Tempered Metadynamics
Our investigation focuses on polymers with intrinsic microporosity (PIM), characterized by rigid backbones and contortion sites that enhance free volume and microporosity. PIMs exhibit faster aging and swelling compared to other glassy membrane materials. We examine three different PIM structures (PIM-1, PIM-py, PIM-COOH). Polymers are parameterized using GAFF2 force field and constructed via the Polymatic simulated polymerization algorithm. Free volume of these polymers is analyzed using geometric (Zeo++) and energetic (VACUUMMS) approaches. Segmental relaxation, a key aspect of aging, is employed as collective variables (CVs) in our enhanced sampling. Specifically, we utilize various dihedral angles as CVs to construct free energy landscapes and visualize the energy surfaces along these CVs. Dihedrals angles around the spiro carbon shows a higher flexibility and lower torsion energy compared to dihedral angle around ether oxygen. Toluene is inserted as a plasticizer, and metadynamics incorporates CVs that capture toluene-polymer interactions. This approach elucidates how toluene influences chain dynamics and segmental mobility, ultimately leading to plasticization. All enhanced sampling calculations are performed using PLUMED package integrated with LAMMPS. Our findings shed light into relaxation and plasticization mechanisms into these state of the art polymers, and demonstrate the use of enhanced sampling to provide insight into the molecular origin of complex processes like physical aging and plasticization. This can pave the way for rational design strategies to develop more durable membranes for gas and solvent separation.