2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

(26e) Reprogramming the PYR1 Plant Hormone Receptor As Functional Metabolite Biosensors


Lenert-Mondou, C., UC Riverside
Carrera, S., UC Riverside
Aguilar, Y., UC Riverside
Cutler, S., UC Riverside
Whitehead, T. A., University of Colorado
Wheeldon, I., University of California, Riverside
Biosensors provide valuable parts for synthetic biology; however, few platforms exist that are malleable to a variety of ligands, are portable between species, or can be used in simple in-vitro diagnostics. Many tools exist for domesticating and engineering non-conventional microorganisms, but only a few biosensing systems have been developed for use in such species. In our previous work, we demonstrated that the plant PP2C hormone sensing system (PYR1/HAB1) can be reprogrammed to respond to new ligands1, can be ported into Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Arabidopsis thaliana2, and can be used in ELISA-like assays. Here, we port this system into non-model hosts, greatly expand the classes of ligands that can bind to PYR1 mutants, and use the PYR1/HAB1 system for dynamic regulation to optimize biochemical production3. We have screened both computationally generated mutants as well as DNA shuffle libraries and discovered PYR1 biosensors for a wide array of terpenes. From all 20 identified terpenes one or two enzymatic steps away from geranyl pyrophosphate, we obtained 29 unique sensors for 4 of the screened chemicals. In the thermotolerant, fast-growing yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus, we optimized sensor component expression for >40-fold response fluorescent output, used growth-coupled terpene sensors to detect intracellular terpene production, and used a dual activation/repression biosensor system as dynamic regulators for cell growth/production to enhance ethyl acetate production. We have shown that the portable and adaptable PYR1 biosensors serve as a potent tool in synthetic biology.


  1. Beltrán, J. et al. Rapid biosensor development using plant hormone receptors as reprogrammable scaffolds. Nat. Biotechnol. 40, 1855–1861 (2022).
  2. Park, S.-Y. et al. An orthogonalized PYR1-based CID module with reprogrammable ligand-binding specificity. Nat. Chem. Biol. 20, 103–110 (2024).
  3. Wei, S. et al. Repurposing plant hormone receptors as chemically-inducible genetic switches for dynamic regulation in yeast. Metab. Eng. 83, 102–109 (2024).