2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

(259f) Process Performance and Techno-Economic Analysis for Methane Mitigation from Low Concentration Sources


Sirigina, D. S. S. S. - Presenter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Roussanaly, S., SINTEF Energy Research, Norway
Anantharaman, R., SINTEF Energy Research
Nazir, S. M., KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
CH4 is the biggest contributor to global warming among non-CO2 GHGs [1]. The majority of CH4 emissions are associated with low-concentration sources, which are notoriously hard to abate with agricultural sector being the largest source of anthropogenic CH4 emissions [1, 2]. The technological options for methane mitigation via oxidation are present for confined sources of relatively high CH4 concentrations (> 1000 ppmv) [1]. In addition to the existing preventive measures to limit CH4 emissions, technological options to oxidize/convert them to a lower global warming potential gas can assist in mitigating the otherwise hard-to-abate or the already emitted gases. This is important in a larger context of achieving the net-zero GHG targets of respective sectors. The current work combines the mitigation of CH4 followed by the capture of CO2. The resulting process concept (s) can be applied to a multitude of low concentration CH4 sources to reactively capture and mitigate the emitted greenhouse gas.

In our previous work [1], we presented process concepts to oxidize CH4 followed by CO2 capture for low concentration CH4 sources. We presented two cases, namely, with CO2 capture (co-removal of CH4 and CO2) and without CO2 capture (CH4 conversion), and analysed the effect of process parameters on energy penalty required to mitigate per ton of CO2 equivalents in the system. The specific energy demand metric enables the comparison of these process concepts to direct air capture of CO2 processes. The CH4 oxidation process consists of a blower, a dehumidification unit, a recuperating heat exchanger, catalytic reactor, cooler, followed by CO2 capture unit for the case with CO2 capture [1]. CH4 oxidation happens catalytically via thermal – and photocatalytic routes. A steady state model was developed and simulated in Aspen Plus to estimate the specific energy demand for CH4 conversion. A model for CO2 capture was not developed in this study but an energy estimate corresponding to a solid sorbent-based vacuum temperature swing adsorption (VTSA) process model from the literature [3] was considered. In the case with thermal catalytic route, a constant CH4 conversion on 6.5 wt% Pd/Al2O3 [4] reported in literature is assumed. The amount of catalyst for the required conversion was later calculated using the kinetic model developed by Alyani et al. [4]. A similar process analysis for photocatalytic route using 0.8 wt% CuO/ZnO [5] as photocatalyst was performed. The results of energy demand by both the thermal- and photocatalytic routes were presented in [1].

Techno-economic assessment (TEA) for CH4 oxidation for the thermal catalytic route yields a cost of 1258 $/t-CO2eq for the reference case with 300 ppmv of inlet CH4 concentration in air. Figure 1 shows the results of TEA with different inlet CH4 concentrations for CH4 oxidation. Results for base case in CH4 oxidation show that the recuperator and dehumidification unit dominate the capital costs with share of 41% and 45%, respectively. The costs of electricity and catalyst combined make up over two-thirds of the operating expenses. The costs presented in Figure 1 suggests a strong dependence on inlet CH4 concentration, a result which is similar to energy demand (also shown in Figure 1). These results support a conclusion that for CH4 oxidation to be economically feasible, either the catalysts which are insensitive to water vapor or higher inlet CH4 concentrations are required. A higher CH4 concentration can be achieved by including a pre-concentration step.

The current estimates for CO2 removal through direct air capture were in the range of 200-600 $/ton [6]. These estimates suggest that the co-removal (of CH4 and CO2) costs are likely to be lower than the cost estimate by just CH4 oxidation (1258 $/t-CO2eq). In addition, a potential process heat integration between CH4 oxidation and CO2 capture unit was highlighted in [1] which in theory could further bring down the costs of co-removal. Alternatively, as noted before, the cost of CO2 equivalents mitigation can also be lowered with higher inlet CH4 concentrations. A CH4 pre-concentration step (until 1 vol% CH4) based on solid sorbent technology could potentially lower the overall cost of CO2 equivalents mitigated. The TEA results for co-removal will be presented in the final work. The results will be compared to the process integrated with the pre-concentration step.

Sirigina et al. [1] reported the energy demand for inlet CH4 concentrations varying from 100 ppmv to 1 vol% CH4, and for CH4 conversion in the range of 20%-100% in the reactor (Figure 4 in the reference [1]). The study however considers the catalytic oxidation of CH4 to take place at 330 °C based on experimental results reported in literature for the 6.5 wt% Pd/Al2O3 [4]. The catalyst was reported to have a higher conversion at 380 °C [4]. In addition, a lower loss of catalytic activity by water vapor and thereby lower loss in CH4 conversion in the experiments by adding Ce to 6.5 wt% Pd/Al2O3 catalysts is reported. As catalysts exhibit different activity with temperature (in addition to the effect of support, H2O concentration etc,), and with temperature and conversion as proxy to capture the performance of a catalyst, a process performance map can be created reflecting the steady state activity of different catalysts. The process performance map in conjunction with a range of inlet concentrations representative of different emission sources could be used to identify the process performance of catalytic CH4 oxidation on different catalysts. The available process model for CH4 oxidation (which is largely independent of catalyst) will be used to analyse the effect of different temperatures on the performance in terms of specific energy demand per ton CO2 equivalents mitigated. At higher temperatures (from the reference case at 330 °C), the waste heat from CH4 oxidation will increase the potential for process heat integration between CH4 oxidation and CO2 capture. We will evaluate and compare the CH4 oxidation and co-removal to identify the dynamic interplay at different temperatures. The performance map in terms of energy demand with temperature, concentration, and conversion will be presented in the final work. This will help in identifying an optimal operating region for a given catalyst system or be used to choose a catalyst system based on given inlet stream conditions. In addition, the final work also showcases the techno-economic potential of CH4 oxidation, CH4 oxidation with CO2 capture (co-removal), and integrates both the pathways with a CH4 enrichment step to assess their feasibility against the existing technologies.


The work is funded by:

(i) Energimyndigheten (Swedish Energy Agency) for the project “Energieffektiv negativa utsläpp från jordbrukssektorn” [In English: Energy efficient negative emissions from agriculture and farming] (project number 50340-1)

(ii) "The Norwegian Continental Shelf: A Driver for Climate-Positive Norway" (NCS C+) project funded by the Research Council of Norway (328715) under the green platform program.


1. Sirigina, D.S.S.S., A. Goel, and S.M. Nazir, Process concepts and analysis for co-removing methane and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Scientific Reports, 2023. 13(1): p. 17290.

2. Stolaroff, J.K., et al., Review of Methane Mitigation Technologies with Application to Rapid Release of Methane from the Arctic. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012. 46(12): p. 6455-6469.

3. Sabatino, F., et al., A comparative energy and costs assessment and optimization for direct air capture technologies. Joule, 2021. 5(8): p. 2047-2076.

4. Alyani, M. and K.J. Smith, Kinetic Analysis of the Inhibition of CH4 Oxidation by H2O on PdO/Al2O3 and CeO2/PdO/Al2O3 Catalysts. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016. 55(30): p. 8309-8318.

5. Li, Z., X. Pan, and Z. Yi, Photocatalytic oxidation of methane over CuO-decorated ZnO nanocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019. 7(2): p. 469-475.

6. Ozkan, M., et al., Current status and pillars of direct air capture technologies. iScience, 2022. 25(4): p. 103990.