2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

(222g) Use of a Renewable Adsorbent Material for Thermal Energy Storage for Space Heating Applications in Remote Communities


Tezel, F. H. - Presenter, University of Ottawa
Shervani, S., University of Ottawa
The mitigation of climate change has more importance nowadays in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Several renewable energy technologies have been developed which show net zero emission or reduction in CO2 emission. The remote communities in Canada are working efficiently on the development of projects that can utilize clean energy technologies to reduce the reliance on diesel. Space heating is a major issue since some of the communities do not have central heating, and due to the cold climate. It becomes a necessity to develop cost-effective renewable energy technologies for space heating. This paper focuses one of the state of the arts for climate change mitigation related to remote communities. It uses a renewable and sustainable adsorbent material for thermal energy storage for it to be used for space heating. This adsorbent is the most cost-effective and can be easily implemented to solve this energy crisis and remove energy poverty.