2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(212b) Tailored Growth and Manipulation of Atomically Thin Layered Materials for Optoelectronics, Energy Harvesting and Beyond
An increased thrust for smarter and energy efficient devices has led to the search for newer materials with enhanced functionalities. Graphene has taken center stage in the lively area of electronics. Monolayers of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides due to their tunable properties, have shown immense promise in applications such as optoelectronics, flexible electronics and spintronics. However, despite the enormous potential shown by atomically thin sheets of these layered 2D materials, they are far from commercialization. A major roadblock has been the lack of scalable techniques for synthesis and manipulation of these materials. In this presentation, the focus will be on some unique and upcoming approaches to grow and defect engineer wafer scale epitaxial 2D materials which can drastically improve their functionalities. Other approaches to potentially tune the properties of these materials like doping and phase engineering are discussed. We envision the ability to scalable fabrication and modulation these materials in a controllable fashion can open-up additional knobs to tune their properties, thus making them more marketable for various applications. Further, future directions, funding possibilities and possible collaboration opportunities going forward for applications of these defect engineered/phase modified 2D materials in various upcoming applications like membrane separation, as single photon emission (SPE) sources, remote epitaxy and energy harvesting will be highlighted and discussed.