2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(193b) Improvements to EAGO.jl: Consolidation and Performance
In this talk, we will discuss our recent efforts to improve the performance and user-accessibility of EAGO. This includes efforts to consolidate routines built for different problem types into a single catch-all function---to enable a simplified experience for typical users---as well as our successes in implementing multi-core CPU methods and our latest GPU-based global optimization methods [16-18] into EAGO’s base functionality. Many of these recent---as well as historical---developments are made possible by the unique features and high performance of the Julia programming language [19], and by the efforts of other active members in the community who continue to develop and maintain projects for general optimization (e.g., JuMP-dev [20] and MathOptInterface [21]), machine learning (e.g., SciML [22,23] and Flux [24,25]), and other general packages for numerical analysis. Our talk will cover use-case examples of EAGO that make use of some of these packages to showcase the power and capability that this tool can offer to researchers in PSE and beyond.
- Matthew E. Wilhelm and Matthew D. Stuber. Easy advanced global optimization (EAGO): An open-source platform for robust and global optimization in Julia. In AIChE Annual Meeting. AIChE, 2017.
- Matthew E. Wilhelm and Matthew D. Stuber. EAGO.jl: easy advanced global optimization in Julia. Optimization Methods and Software, 37(2):425–450, aug 2022. doi: 10.1080/10556788.2020.1786566.
- Dominik Bongartz, Jaromil Najman, Susanne Sass, and Alexander Mitsos. MAiNGO - McCormick-based Algorithm for mixed-integer Nonlinear Global Optimization. Technical report, RWTH-Aachen, 2018. URL https://www.avt.rwth-aachen.de/global/show_document.asp?id=aaaaaaaaabclahw.
- Alexander Mitsos, Benoît Chachuat, and Paul I. Barton. McCormick-based relaxations of algorithms. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 20(2):573–601, jan 2009. doi: 10.1137/080717341.
- Joseph K. Scott, Matthew D. Stuber, and Paul I. Barton. Generalized McCormick relaxations. Journal of Global Optimization, 51(4):569–606, feb 2011. doi: 10.1007/s10898-011-9664-7.
- Angelos Tsoukalas and Alexander Mitsos. Multivariate McCormick relaxations. Journal of Global Optimization, 59(2-3):633–662, apr 2014. doi: 10.1007/s10898-014-0176-0.
- Kamil A. Khan, Harry A. J. Watson, and Paul I. Barton. Differentiable McCormick relaxations. Journal of Global Optimization, 67(4):687–729, may 2016. doi: 10.1007/s10898-016-0440-6.
- Stefan Vigerske. Decomposition in Multistage Stochastic Programming and a Constraint Integer Programming Approach to Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming. PhD thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät II, 2013.
- Achim Wechsung, Joseph K. Scott, Harry A. J. Watson, and Paul I. Barton. Reverse propagation of McCormick relaxations. Journal of Global Optimization, 63(1):1–36, apr 2015. doi: 10.1007/s10898-015-0303-6.
- Ambros M. Gleixner, Timo Berthold, Benjamin Müller, and Stefan Weltge. Three enhancements for optimization-based bound tightening. Journal of Global Optimization, 67(4):731–757, jun 2017. doi: 10.1007/s10898-016-0450-4.
- Jaromił Najman, Dominik Bongartz, and Alexander Mitsos. Linearization of McCormick relaxations and hybridization with the auxiliary variable method. Journal of Global Optimization, feb 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10898-020-00977-x.
- Matthew E. Wilhelm and Matthew D. Stuber. Improved convex and concave relaxations of composite bilinear forms. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, mar 2023. doi: 10.1007/s10957-023-02196-2.
- Matthew D. Stuber, Joseph K. Scott, and Paul I. Barton. Convex and concave relaxations of implicit functions. Optimization Methods and Software, 30(3):424–460, jun 2015. doi: 10.1080/10556788.2014.924514.
- Matthew E. Wilhelm, Anne V. Le, and Matthew D. Stuber. Global optimization of stiff dynamical systems. AIChE Journal, 65(12), nov 2019. Doi: 10.1002/aic.16836
- Matthew D. Stuber and Paul I. Barton. Semi-infinite optimization with implicit functions. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(1):307–317, dec 2015. doi: 10.1021/ie5029123.
- Robert X. Gottlieb and Matthew D. Stuber. Global dynamic optimization using hardware-accelerated programming. In AIChE Annual Meeting 2022, Phoenix, AZ, November 2022.
- Robert X. Gottlieb, Pengfei Xu, and Matthew D. Stuber. Automatic source code generation of complicated models for deterministic global optimization with parallel architectures. In FOCAPO-CPC 2023, San Antonio, TX, January 2023.
- Robert X. Gottlieb, Pengfei Xu, and Matthew D. Stuber. Automatic Source Code Generation for Deterministic Global Optimization with Parallel Architectures. Under Review.
- Jeff Bezanson, Alan Edelman, Stefan Karpinski, and Viral B. Shah. Julia: A fresh approach to numerical computing, 2014.
- Iain Dunning, Joey Huchette, and Miles Lubin. JuMP: A modeling language for mathematical optimization. SIAM Review, 59(2):295–320, jan 2017. doi: 10.1137/15m1020575.
- Benoît Legat, Oscar Dowson, Joaquim Dias Garcia, and Miles Lubin. MathOptInterface: a data structure for mathematical optimization problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03447, 2020. doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2002.03447.
- Yingbo Ma, Shashi Gowda, Ranjan Anantharaman, Chris Laughman, Viral Shah, and Chris Rackauckas. ModelingToolkit: A composable graph transformation system for equation-based modeling. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05244, 2021. doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2103.05244.
- Christopher Rackauckas and Qing Nie. DifferentialEquations.jl – a performant and feature-rich ecosystem for solving differential equations in Julia. Journal of Open Research Software, 5, may 2017. doi: 10.5334/jors.151.
- Michael Innes, Elliot Saba, Keno Fischer, Dhairya Gandhi, Marco Concetto Rudilosso, Neethu Mariya Joy, Tejan Karmali, Avik Pal, and Viral Shah. Fashionable modelling with Flux. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.01457, 2018. doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.1811.01457.
- Michael Innes. Flux: Elegant machine learning with Julia. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(25):602, may 2018. doi: 10.21105/joss.00602.