2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(165e) Design and Fabrication of Conductive 3D Printed Carbon Lattices Via Gel Infusion and Polymerization of Acrylonitrile and Subsequent Pyrolysis
To overcome the challenges faced by VP 3D-printing high-resolution PAN structures for pyrolysis, we have developed a novel method for producing 3D carbon structures from PAN. This process involves: (1) 3D printing a microscale crosslinked acrylate gel lattice sacrificial scaffold via CLIP, (2) infusing the gel scaffold structure with acrylonitrile monomer and a thermal initiator, (3) polymerizing the AN monomer to PAN linear chains inside the gel scaffold structure forming a semi-interpenetrating polymer network, and then (4) subjecting the PAN-infused gel lattice structure to thermal treatment processes (e.g. an oxidative pre-treatment, isothermal holds, and pyrolysis) that converts the PAN to 3D pyrolytic carbon (Figure 1). This method is inspired by previous work by Saccone, M. and Greer, J. et al. investigating metal hydrogel infusion.
We have investigated the impact of pyrolysis conditions on the char yield of these PAN-swelled gel scaffolds over a wide range of temperatures and excipient gas (air, nitrogen) flow rates. With optimized conditions, we demonstrate > 40% char yield by mass, which is comparable to industry values of char yield for conventionally electrospun PAN fibers. Characterization of the resulting pyrolytic carbon structures has demonstrated that they exhibit evidence of graphitization, they are electrically conductive, and they exhibit promising voltage potential ranges for energy storage. This method additionally shows promise for incorporation of other high char yield linear polymers beyond PAN into high-resolution lattice structures to tailor pyrolytic carbon properties. PAN-based pyrolytic carbon lattice structures developed via our novel gel infusion method hold significant promise for use in commercial applications including electrodes for battery energy storage, susceptors for electrifying thermochemical reactors, and substrates for carbon capture electrocatalysis.