2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(14f) Transfer Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems
Motivated by the above challenges, we propose a safe transfer reinforcement learning (TRL) framework. The algorithm leverages knowledge obtained from pre-trained source tasks to expedite learning in a new yet related target task, thereby significantly reducing both learning time and computational overhead for optimizing a control policy. Additionally, since there is a discrepancy between target and source tasks, the knowledge transferred to the target process may cause performance degradation. To account for this discrepancy, we develop a theoretical analysis via statistical learning theory to characterize the performance of TRL by accounting for the differences between the source and target tasks [4,5]. Furthermore, the proposed TRL method is designed to collect data and optimize the control policy within a control invariant set (CIS) to ensure the safety of the system throughout the learning process. Finally, we apply the proposed TRL method to an example of optimal control of a chemical reactor, showcasing its effectiveness in solving the optimal control problem with improved computational efficiency and safety guarantees compared to traditional RL without using transfer learning.
[1] B. Yan, P. Shi, C. P. Lim, Y. Sun, and R. K. Agarwal, “Security and safety-critical learning-based collaborative control for multiagent systems,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp. 1–12, 2024.
[2] Dogru O, Xie J, Prakash O, et al. Reinforcement learning in process industries: review and perspective[J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2024, 11(2): 283-300.
[3] A. B. Jeddi, N. L. Dehghani, and A. Shafieezadeh, “Lyapunov-based uncertainty-aware safe reinforcement learning,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.13944, 2021.
[4] M. Xiao, C. Hu, and Z. Wu, “Modeling and predictive control of nonlinear processes using transfer learning method,” AIChE Journal, p. e18076, 2023.
[5] Y. Wang and Z. Wu, “Control lyapunov-barrier function-based safe reinforcement learning for nonlinear optimal control,” AIChE Journal, p. e18306, 2023.